Saturday, November 17, 2012


Well, the internet is working, so here are some pictures from the last few weeks/some everyday life things here:

The Uluguru mountains, they're right behind Morogoro.

Bucket Shower. You can figure it out.

The dirt I swept up from my room one day.
Making chapati! This is Lauren, the pastor's daughter rolling out the dough. After this, you fry it.

Tanzanian food of ugali, beans, spinach I think and beef. Yes, we ate this with our hands.

The bowl is ugali, it's a better picture. Basically, flour and water.

Playing four square at the orphanage!

In other news, if you all have been praying, thank you! We have gotten three rains in three days!! :D God is so good!
God bless,


1 comment:

  1. Yeah for pictures!! Thank you - keep them coming!
    Love you - Mom
